After a Lifetime of fishing Passion, it was either Now or Never – break with the large corporate conveyor belt for fishing equipment purchased that never quite achieved – why shouldn’t we be able to have available brands that give us the best product first time, not a MK5 Version that I wanted to start with… Is it so much to hold a product in my hand that excels and lasts…… I think I might be having a rant but it’s well overdue.
Could I actually turn the clocks back? Have a UK manufactured brand – Companies based within the UK – using UK Skilled employees – maybe even fun – different and innovative.
So the Journey Begins...
The URBAN FROG TACKLE brand began life as a personal project – after leaving a profession I had worked in for over 30 years – heavy Industrial engineering, as an apprentice turner / fitter to becoming the companies youngest ever branch manager – finally the 16hr days – 6 to 7 days a week took their toll, so I took the tough decision for my own mental wellbeing to take a break, which meant to me only one thing ...
Several years later, fishing 3 days a week all year – it become glaringly obvious that what I needed to further improve my fishing was not readily available, so I endeavoured to put this right.
Could such a small fish in the big tank of Carp life actually make a difference? and produce fishing equipment that was right and exceptional first time – so The REEL RAPZ & URBAN FROG TACKLE were born on the banks of a 14th century estate lake in Essex – landscaped by Capability Brown and packed with the Leney strain of Carp – My very own “A Passion for Angling”……..showing my age.
The Reel Rapz & Urban Frog Tackle were born…..
The company name – URBAN FROG…as a young East End urban kid, whose family loved fishing – especially on holidays – to this day, like many of you, we couldn’t pass a lake – river without scouring the water for others fishing or the wonder of what it held.
From fishing a dyke in Reculver in Kent for Monster Roach at the age of 5 or those scary large Eels to being fortunate to catch Dorado and Sail fish in the Maldives or my PB Marlin in Mauritius at a colossal 500lb or my real passion a long lean common of 47lb from the river Ebro and large deep bodied Mirrors from the depths of Belgium pits.
I have always felt more at home away from the concrete Urban East End and instead plotted up alongside a lily pad covered lakeside, waking with nature, now that’s my living Heaven.
I think inside I’ve always been an Urban Frog out of water but at home alongside any stretch that holds fish – especially Carp.
So the brand emerged from the East End into those lily covered lakes – the importance of water to all forms of life especially the REEL RAPZ and its needs became so obvious – I was then compelled to pass on the answers to so many unanswered questions.